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Luca Barra

Luca Barra
Luca Barra is senior assistant professor at Università di Bologna, where he teaches Radio and Television History and Digital Media. His research mainly focuses on television production and distribution cultures, comedy and humour TV genres, the international circulation of media products (and their national mediations), the history of Italian television, and the evolution of the contemporary media landscape. He is the author of the books Palinsesto (Laterza, Rome-Bari 2015) and Risate in scatola (Vita e Pensiero, Milan 2012), and he wrote various essays in edited volumes and journals. He co-edited, with Chiara Bucaria, the collection Taboo Comedy. Controversial Humour in Television (Palgrave, Basingstoke 2016). He is editorial consultant for the Italian TV studies journal Link. Idee per la televisione.